Malaysia arrests ‘Ninja Turtle Gang’ members, seizes tortoises

Malaysian authorities have captured international crimes as Gang Ninja Turtle and holding it in 200 smoking and decreases.

Abdul Kadir Abu hadir, the chaires of the Parks Department of Parks Department of Guards in Kalu Lumpur from the police in Fauna. He told AFP that about 200 turtles, worth an estimated RM246,394 ($52,300), were rescued from the raid, the second seizure in Malaysia in less than a week.

Many people in Asia believe that turtles and tortoises bring good luck and prosperity. Kadir said the six people arrested belong to the Ninja Turtle gang, an international crime ring involved in the smuggling of reptiles.

Police and fauna officials saved 400 turtles during a first raid on June 29 intended for the sale in Southeast Asia and earned US $ 8084 0840 on the black market. The animals have redeemed during the final decrease of financial expenses in Chinese people, and it calls it as TIRTLE Golden thread, to Sit.

Other forms include poisonous black pool, killing the sulfur, the red arms and the red arms of trinidad and Barbados. Initial investigations revealed that the birds were imported from abroad to meet the lucrative pet market, Kadir said.

Also wanted were three snakes, four soft-shelled turtles, one skink and five skins. The rescued animals are kept at the shelter of the Malaysian Wildlife Department.

The poultry is transported to Malaysia by road or in carrier bags on commercial flights, Kadir said last week. Traffic, a wildlife NGO, said Southeast Asian countries serve as sources, buyers and shelters for wildlife from the region and the rest of the world.

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